PubNative Plugin for Unity supports 2 ad formats:

Please follow this integration guide to configure PubNative ads.


  • Unity Project. - (This Plugin supports Unity 5 and up)
  • PubNative iOS SDK. It can be found here
  • PubNative Unity Plugin. It can be found here
  • An App Token provided in PubNative Dashboard.
  • A Placement Name configured and obtained from the PubNative Dashboard

Unity Plugin Integration

You can download the Unity Plugin from here.

  • Open the project in the Unity Editor
  • Make sure that the Assets folder is created in the project folder
  • With the project open, Copy and Paste the Editor, Plugins and Scripts folders with all the files inside of them into the Assets folder. (You can dismiss the “Could not create texture from…” errors that come up in the console.)

Now the plugin is integrated and ready to begin the specific integration per ad format. You can integrate this plugin into 2 ad formats:


When you export your Unity Project into a Xcode project make sure to include this step below:

  • Select your target and navigate to the “Build Phases”. Then, add a Run Script step to your build steps.
  • Put it after your step to embed frameworks, set it to use /bin/sh and enter the following script:

find "$APP_PATH" -name 'Pubnative.framework' -type d | while read -r FRAMEWORK
    FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME=$(defaults read "$FRAMEWORK/Info.plist" CFBundleExecutable)
    echo "Executable is $FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH"


    for ARCH in $ARCHS
        echo "Extracting $ARCH from $FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_NAME"

    echo "Merging extracted architectures: ${ARCHS}"
    lipo -o "$FRAMEWORK_EXECUTABLE_PATH-merged" -create "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}"
    rm "${EXTRACTED_ARCHS[@]}"

    echo "Replacing original executable with thinned version"

  • Do not forget to check your project’s “Frameworks Search Paths” in your Build Settings. Make sure that the path for Pubnative.framework is provided correctly.

Banner integration instructions

Creating the Banner

The PNBanner should be created inside a script which is linked to a GameObject. It must be created using the PNBannerFactory createBanner() method which created a banner based on the platform that the application is being built for.

public static PNBanner createBanner(MonoBehaviour parent)

A sample of this instantiation is the following:

PNBanner banner = PNBannerFactory.createBanner(this);

In the previous sample this is an object which inherits from MonoBehaviour so it’s linked to a GameObject.

After creating the Banner you must set the appToken and placement properties:

banner.appToken = “App Token obtained from PubNative dashboard”;
banner.placement = “Placement Name configured and obtained from the PubNative Dashboard”;

Setting the listeners is also recommended to check the correct behavior of the ads. There are two listeners for PNBanner: ILoadListener() and ITrackListener().

public interface ILoadListener
    void OnLoadFinished();
    void OnLoadFailed(Exception error);

public interface ITrackListener
    void OnImpressionTracked();
    void OnClickTracked();

Adding a LoadListener to the PNBanner is mandatory since it will send callbacks when the ad was loaded or failed. After the ad is loaded then it can be displayed.

TrackListener is optional in case you want to receive callbacks when the ad has been impressed on screen or when the ad has been clicked.

Here’s an implementation sample:

banner.LoadListener = LOAD_LISTENER_INSTANCE;
banner.TrackListener = TRACK_LISTENER_INSTANCE;

Loading the banner

To load the Banner you should use the Load() method. This method must be invoked in the following way:


The result of this method will be received in the LoadListener callbacks.

Showing the banner

The Banner can be displayed in two positions on the screen: TOP or BOTTOM. After the ad is loaded successfully, the Show(Position position) method must be used to display the ad.

Here’s are samples of how to show the Banner on top or bottom of the screen.


Keep in mind, this method should be called always after receiving confirmation that the ad was loaded successfully. Otherwise, it’ll result in an error and nothing will be displayed.

Code sample

Here is a complete code sample about how you can integrate the Banner.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class BannerNative : MonoBehaviour, ILoadListener, ITrackListener
    private PNBanner banner;

    public string appToken;
    public string placement;

    private Button _buttonLoadBanner;

    private Button _buttonHideBanner;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        banner = PNBannerFactory.createBanner(this);
        banner.appToken = appToken;
        banner.placement = placement;
        banner.LoadListener = this;
        banner.TrackListener = this;

    private void RequestBanner()
        if (banner != null) {

    private void HideBanner()

    public void OnLoadFinished()

    public void OnLoadFailed(Exception error)
        // Handle error

    public void OnImpressionTracked()
        // Handle Impression

    public void OnClickTracked()
        // Handle Click

Interstitial integration instructions

Creating the Interstitial

The PNInterstitial should be created inside a script which is linked to a GameObject. It must be created using the PNInterstitialFactory createInterstitial() method which created an interstitial based on the platform that the application is being built for.

public static PNInterstitial createInterstitial(MonoBehaviour parent)

A sample of this instantiation is the following:

PNInterstitial interstitial = PNInterstitialFactory.createInterstitial(this);

In the previous sample this is an object which inherits from MonoBehaviour so it’s linked to a GameObject.

After creating the Interstitial you must set the appToken and placement properties:

interstitial.appToken = “App Token obtained from PubNative dashboard”;
interstitial.placement = “Placement Name configured and obtained from the PubNative Dashboard”;

Setting the listeners is also recommended to check the correct behavior of the ads. There are three listeners for PNInterstitial: ILoadListener(), ITrackListener() and IViewListener().

public interface ILoadListener
    void OnLoadFinished();
    void OnLoadFailed(Exception error);

public interface ITrackListener
    void OnImpressionTracked();
    void OnClickTracked();

public interface IViewListener
    void OnShown();
    void OnHidden();

Adding a LoadListener to the PNInterstitial is mandatory since it will send callbacks when the ad was loaded or failed. After the ad is loaded then it can be displayed.

TrackListener is optional in case you want to receive callbacks when the ad has been impressed on screen or when the ad has been clicked.

ViewListener is optional in case you want to receive callbacks when the Interstitial has been shown and hidden.

Here’s an implementation sample:

interstitial.LoadListener = LOAD_LISTENER_INSTANCE;
interstitial.TrackListener = TRACK_LISTENER_INSTANCE; 
interstitial.ViewListener = VIEW_LISTENER_INSTANCE;

Loading the interstitial

To load the Interstitial you should use the Load() method. This method must be invoked in the following way:


The result of this method will be received in the LoadListener callbacks.

Showing the interstitial

After the ad is loaded successfully, the method Show() must be used to display the ad.

Here’s is the sample of how to show interstitial on screen.


Keep in mind, this method should be called always after receiving confirmation that the ad was loaded successfully. Otherwise, it’ll result in an error and nothing will be displayed.

Code sample

**Here is a complete code sample about how you can integrate the Interstitial.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class InterstitialNative : MonoBehaviour, ILoadListener, ITrackListener, IViewListener
    private PNInterstitial interstitial;

    public string appToken;
    public string placement;

    private Button _buttonLoadInterstitial;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        interstitial = PNInterstitialFactory.createInterstitial(this);
        interstitial.appToken = appToken;
        interstitial.placement = placement;
        interstitial.LoadListener = this;
        interstitial.TrackListener = this;
        interstitial.ViewListener = this;

    private void RequestInterstitial()
        if (interstitial != null) {

    public void OnLoadFinished()

    public void OnLoadFailed(Exception error)
        // Handle error

    public void OnImpressionTracked()
        // Handle Impression

    public void OnClickTracked()
        // Handle Click

    public void OnShown()
        // Handle interstitial show

    public void OnHidden()
        // Handle interstitial hide

Demo app

Here is the demo project for unity and the generated iOS project.