Medium Layout Ad is a mediation of standard units that can be configured from the PubNative dashboard. Medium Layout Ad view contains a predefined set of icon, banner, title, description, CTA and disclosure view. You can choose an ad type from PubNative dashboard like video only, banner only or description-banner-icon etc.

Predefined fixed size for Medium layout ad view is 320 x 250.


Medium Layout Example

Getting Started

  • Before integrating Medium Layout Ads in your app, you’ll need to go through the steps in our Getting started guide, create an account on PubNative and integrate the SDK into your project.
  • Add a Medium Layout Ad unit to your app in the PubNative dashboard.
  • Make sure you have added the ad network SDKs you wish to use in your app.

For Medium Layout Ads, first, you need to create a layout, then integrate lifecycle callbacks and load the ad. After these steps, you can start using it.

Integration Steps

Create Medium Layout

You can create predefined Medium Layout Ad request using PNMediumLayout.

let mediumLayout = PNMediumLayout()
PNMediumLayout *mediumLayout = [[PNMediumLayout alloc] init];

Integrate Lifecycle Callbacks for Medium Layout

You can track the load process with callbacks using PNLayoutLoadDelegate.

class YourClass: PNLayoutLoadDelegate 
func layoutDidFinishLoading(_ layout: PNLayout!)
    // Layout loaded

func layout(_ layout: PNLayout!, didFailLoading error: Error!)
    // Layout load failed
@interface YourClass () <PNLayoutLoadDelegate>
- (void)layoutDidFinishLoading:(PNLayout *)layout
    // Layout loaded

- (void)layout:(PNLayout *)layout didFailLoading:(NSError *)error
    // Layout load failed

You can track the tracking process, user interaction and ad behavior with callbacks using PNLayoutTrackDelegate. But you should set delegate only when Layout has been already loaded.
You need to set the delegate as;

class YourClass: PNLayoutTrackDelegate 
mediumLayout.trackDelegate = self
func layoutTrackClick(_ layout: PNLayout!) 
    // Layout click tracked
func layoutTrackImpression(_ layout: PNLayout!) 
    // Layout impression tracked
@interface YourClass () <PNLayoutTrackDelegate>
mediumLayout.trackDelegate = self;
- (void)layoutTrackImpression:(PNLayout *)layout
    // Layout impression tracked

- (void)layoutTrackClick:(PNLayout *)layout
    // Layout click tracked

Load Medium Layout Ad

To load Medium Layout Ad;

mediumLayout.load(withAppToken: "<YOUR_APP_TOKEN>", placement: "<YOUR_PLACEMENT>", delegate: self)
[mediumLayout loadWithAppToken:@"<YOUR_APP_TOKEN>" placement:@"<YOUR_PLACEMENT>" delegate:self];

In order to get callbacks from PNLayout, you should implement PNLayoutLoadDelegate for your class. Once an ad is loaded, you will get a fully created view that can be placed in any view.

Use Medium Layout Ad

Once the load callback is over, this layout returns, as a result, an initialized view that can be used inside your own ad container. Impressions and clicks are tracked directly from the SDK, but you need to call startTrackingView() method so the layout starts listening for clicks and checking the ad on the screen. You can extract the view from mediumLayout.viewController.view.

Any interaction with this method without a previously loaded layout will do nothing.

let layoutView = mediumLayout.viewController.view
// Inject the view into your view container
UIView *layoutView = mediumLayout.viewController.view;
// Inject the view into your view container
[mediumLayout startTrackingView];

It is highly recommended that if you have a scrolling view and you want to stop tracking the ad view (which is recommended when the ad disappears from the screen), you can use the stopTrackingView() method.

[mediumLayout stopTrackingView];